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2. p. 1038 Species Composition of Fish eggs and Larvae in the Coastal Water of Nang Island, Yeosu
Seung-Yong KIM, Tae-Sik YU, Jin-Joo WOO, Seong-Hoon LEE, Kyeong-Ho HAN
DOI: |
4. p. 1065 Processing and Quality Characteristics of High Value-added Low-salt Fermented Sea Squirt Halocynthia roretzi with Maesil Extracts
Myeong-Cheol SHIN, Ryeong-Won KWON, Seon-Woong HWANG, Hye-Jeong KIM, Dong-Hwan KIM, Sang-Ho LEE, Jin-Hyo PARK, Jeong-Gyun KIM
DOI: |
14. p. 1196 Effects of Immune-induced Perinereis linea on Growth Performance and Imuune activity of the Litopenaeus vannamei
Min-Soo JOO, Kwang-Min CHOI, Jin-Sol BAE, Chan-Il PARK
DOI: |
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