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3. p. 968 Mycobacteriosis Caused by Non-tuberculous Mycobacteria in Ornamental Goldfish ( Carassius auratus )
Nam-sil LEE, Junyoung SONG, Hye-sung CHOI, Ahran KIM
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5. p. 991 A Study on the Current Status and Future Development Plan of Fisheries and Shipping High School Recognized by Fisheries and Shipping High School Teachers
Mi-Young HWANG, Jong-Woon PARK, Gwang-Bin LEE, Hee-Sung MOON, Ju-Wan KIM, Yong-Uk HWANG, Tae-Jung CHOI, Sung KIM
DOI: |
8. p. 1032 Growth Trait of Curucian Carps, Carassius Auratus and Carassius cuvieri in the Lake Yedang, Korea
Gye-Woong KIM, Sung-Duck JOE, Hack-Youn KIM, Seokryel KIM
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16. p. 1140 Blood Physiological Changes and Gene Expression on Walleye Pollock Gadus Chalcogrammus Stress Response to Salinity Fluctuation
So-Hee JEON, Jin CHOI, Ki-Tae KIM, Soon-Gyu BYUN, Hyun-Jeong LIM, Lee-Kyung KIM, Saebom SOHN
DOI: |
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