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6. p. 256 A Study on the Development of Usability Evaluation Tools of AI Educational Contents for Students through Delphi Method
Younyoung KIM, Du-Gyu KIM, Sang-Jun HAN, Hye-Jung YUN, Mi-Hyun PARK, Gyun HEO
DOI: |
16. p. 360 A Study on the Growth Performance of Far Eastern Catfish Silurus Asotus and Vegetable Lactuca Sativa L. c. Fidel in an Aquaponics System Based on Biofloc Technology (BFT) and Hydroponic System
Na Na KIM, Jun Seong PARK, Jeong-Ho LEE, Ju-ae HWANG, Ji Yong CHOI, Hyeong su KIM
DOI: |
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