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1. p. 639 Processing and Quality Characteristics of Porridge Powder of Agricultural and Fishery Complex Using Extrusion Collet
Sang-Ho LEE, Ryeong-Won KWON, Hee-Bum JUNG, Gi-Jeong HA, Tae-Jong SEONG, Hae-Soo JE, Ho-Dong YOON, Jeong-Gyun KIM
DOI: |
2. p. 652 Assessment of Locational Suitability of Aquaculture Grounds in Jeonnam Coastal Area Using the Regular Monitoring Data
Sang-Soo KIM, Seoung-Ja HWANG, A-Young CHO, Ju-Hee LEE, Pyoung-Joong KIM
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3. p. 665 Feeding Ecology of Octopus minor in the Mud Flats
Seok-Nam KWAK, Sung-Soo KIM, Kwang-Sup LEE, Seung-Min JUNG, Jin-Muk KANG
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9. p. 725 Influence of Salinity on Hatching Rate of Fertilization Eggs and Larval Survival of Walleye Pollock Gadus chalcogrammus
Jin CHOI, Ki-Wook LEE, Gyeong-Sik HAN, Soon-Gyu BYUN, Hyun-Jeong LIM, Hee-Sung KIM
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13. p. 762 Quality Characteristics during Manufacturing and Storage of Snack of Agricultural and Fishery Complex Using Extrusion Collet
Sang-Ho LEE, Ryeong-Won KWON, Hee-Bum JUNG, Tae-Jong SEONG, Hae-Soo JE, Ho-Dong YOON, Jeong-Gyun KIM
DOI: |
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