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3. p. 215 Water Quality Changes in Artificial Effluent after Polymer Flocculant and Ozonation Treatment in Freshwater Recirculating Aquaculture System
Sungchun WOON, Jihoon KIM, Dohyung LIM, Jeonghwan PARK
DOI: |
6. p. 245 Analysis of Pathogens in Bait Aquatic Organisms Distributed in the Domestic Market and Assessment of Infectiousness in Frozen Products
In-Gu KIM, Gyoungsik KANG, Won-Sik WOO, Kyung-Ho KIM, Min-Young SOHN, Ha-Jeong SON, Jae-Young LEE, Chan-Il PARK
DOI: |
11. p. 320 First Report in Korea of Vibrio spp. Observed during the Artificial Seeding Production Process of the Giant Pacific Octopus, Enteroctopus Dofleini
Dong-Hwi KIM, Hae-Kyun YOO, Ki-Tae KIM, Moon-Soo HEO, MIN-MIN JUNG
DOI: |
16. p. 374 Policy Suggestions for Sustainable Aquaculture Development
Hwa-Yong LEE, Tai-Hun IM, Hyoung-Goo KANG, Byung-Suk HAN
DOI: |
21. p. 437 Community Structure and Health Assessment of Macrobenthos in the Geum River Estuary, Korea
Jong Gwan KIM, Hye Seon KIM, Dongwoo YANG, Jung-Ho LEE
DOI: |
22. p. 449 A Comparison of Growth by Age Character of Fat Greenling, Hexagrammos Otakii in Heuksando of Korea
Yuri SHIN, A-hyun CHO, Jong-Deok CHOI, Dongki RYU
DOI: |
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