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2. p. 861 Analysis of the Impact of Technical Barriers to Trade on the Shipping Freight Rate
Min Seong JANG, Jung Min LEE, Hyo Seung HUR, Min Ju SHIN, Chi Yeol KIM
DOI: |
3. p. 868 Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance Patterns of Fecal-indicator Bacteria Isolated from Fish Farms and Adjacent Inland Pollution Sources in the Southern Coast of Korea
Ji Hoon KIM, Sung Rae CHO, Jang Won LEE, Minchul YOON, Kunbawui PARK
DOI: |
15. p. 1004 Study on Classification and Management of Aquatic Animal Medical Devices in Korea
Gi Baeg LEE, Ji Hoon LEE, Ji Min JEONG, Jung Soo SEO, Mun Gyeong KWON, Kwan Ha PARK, Hyun Gui KIM, Seong Don HWANG
DOI: |
20. p. 1064 Pathogen Monitoring in Cultured Eel ( Anguilla japonica ) of West Coast Region of Korea and Virus Susceptibility Analysis Using Primary Culture Cell
Hyun Jung GYE, Han-Gill SEO, Hee Woong KANG, Hyun Mi JUNG
DOI: |
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